Here are some valuable resources in case you need to contact emergency services of any kind or other useful services anywhere in Switzerland.
The general emergency telephone numbers are valid for the whole country but you can also find some local numbers for specific Cantons.
General emergency numbers
- Police: 117
- Fire Brigade: 118
- Road Assistance: 140
- Ambulances: 144
- Poisoning: 145
- Duty Pharmacy Service: 1811/144
- Duty Veterinary Service: 1811/144
- Mountain Air Rescue: 1414 or 1415
- SOS Doctors at Home: 022 748 49 50
- Emergency Doctors at Home: 022 322 20 20
- SOS Pharmacists: 022 420 64 80
- SOS Nurses: 022 420 24 64
- SOS Keys: 022 311 12 22
- Lost and Found: 022 327 60 00
- Emergency doctor, dentist, pharmacist: 0900 57 67 47
- University hospital: 031 632 21 11