Restaurants in canton Ticino

The world of Grottos

Ticino’s cuisine is not just about pizza and pasta, as you may think. Actually, it is a paradise for people looking for great food and diversified dishes.

Grottos, which are actually a type of natural or artificial type of caves, is what you should not miss if you want to experience something special. These caves in Ticino are modified into cozy and rustic restaurants. They usually serve traditional Italian and Ticino dishes.

Polenta, a maize-based specialty, is often combined with other ingredients in their dishes. Some famous Ticino meals are ciccit, which are small sausages and Cazzöla, a fine piece of meat with cabbage and potatoes. The cuisine is mostly influenced by Italy, so you will find plenty of Risottos too (rice-based courses). Risotto with mushrooms in autumn, the mushroom-picking season, is a great choice.

In restaurants along the Lake Lugano or the Lake Maggiore, you will find more meals with fish from the region. Famous are the white fish, perch or salmerino. Just like in Italy, your meal will have several courses, while pasta is quite common as a starter.

Here is a list of recommended restaurants in the canton of Ticino.

Via Massimigliano Magatti 3, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland

6744 Personico, Switzerland

Carrà dei Nasi, 6612 Ascona, Switzerland

Via Orico 13, 6500 Bellinzona, Switzerland

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